Monday, October 26, 2015

Titles are hard.‏

Well, this week went super well! We brought five new people to church, who were a little hesitant at first but now they´ve gone and they loved it! We trying to become a little better at helping get rid of the fears that people have when they think about going to church or progressing in the gospel. I gave a talk Sunday and I was thinking a little bit about Pride and some words came to my mind that I think help us recognize pride, the words I felt were ¨I´m fine as I am¨. I think all of us at one point or another have been guilty of seeing some way that we could improve or some other way we could help, and we don´t do it and think ¨Oh it doesn´t matter, I´m doing okay, or I´m okay as I am¨ Really all it is is an excuse that we give ourselves. Someone humble is someone who is always striving to become better, not to see themselves as the best, but as noticing their faults and weak points and trying to strengthen them. There will never become a point where we no longer can progress, we as imperfect humans always need to work on something, become better at something. I encourage you to form a habit of thinking like that, ¨What more can I improve or change¨ so that we help keep ourselves from falling into pride because ¨Pride is a damning sin in the true sense of that word. It limits or stops progression. (See Alma 12:10–11.) The proud are not easily taught. (See 1 Ne. 15:3, 7–11.) They won’t change their minds to accept truths, because to do so implies they have been wrong.¨ (Beware of Pride, Ezra Taft Benson) If we strive to keep pride from stopping our progression we will ever be happy, and we will each day strive to be more like Christ. 

Elder Lohberg
YEAH!! it cost me 2 bucks u bought it lol. .and the other day my comp bought me one cuz he wanted to try one. I got a motorcycle he got a car and then i got a wolf.. They[re illegal in the states right? I found em I was like.. I USED TO EAT THESE

 bread pizza #1 dollar good prices and yummy

Monday, October 19, 2015


Pues, This week went super well. I got moved from El Carmen de Guadalupe toooooooo La Campiña.. ACA.. I moved 10 minutes from my old area to my new one and my bishop is now Milton Marin #MeettheMormons!  I need to take a photo with him. The ward is pretty low on attendance right now.. but we´re going to fix that up. My new comp is Elder Carter, Wuhhh? My second real American companion.. kind of weird but cool too. Anyways, they changed the Zone leaders in this zone to our new area, so I stayed as a zone leader, and Elder Carter who had 4.5 months there got put in as ZL too. Pretty awesome, I would have lived to see a little bit of the nature of Costa Rica, but at least I´m seeing the nature turned into paper because this ward is super rich haha.. everyone has really nice houses. New adventures and new experiences, I promise that this is the Lord´s work and that he loves us.. He´s watching out for us, look to Him and be guided in all your ways. 
Elder Lohberg 

haha - didn't move too far eh?
Aaron: So im in La Campiña..old area new area  Uh.. the area was pretty dead, but we´re going to fix it up I hope, the Lord´s exceleration his work here

Mom: So you are in the same ward as the Marin's then? That is pretty cool!! Interesting that you stayed local - you must have something you need to do there in San Jose Aaron!!  So was this area in your old Zone boundaries? Or are you in a new Zone all together?
If Elder Carter has been there already 4 1/2 months - then will he probably leave after this next transfer then you think?  I had gotten the feeling that you thought you would not be a ZL after this transfer and that you would be put with someone who was struggling as a missionary - so obviously not the case?

Aaron: Zona Los Yoses.. it´s a different zone That´s what I thought too, but nope! haha but oh wells

Mom: any pictures? pictures of your area? Apartment? Comp?

Aaron: UHHHHH, i forgot. i will have pictures for next week. It´s been a busy week.. but the old zone leaders were in a dif area.. so we´re like BRAND new to ramp up an normal area to a zone leaders area and try to turn the zone around.. and we´re going to buy some foods in Cosco because there wasn´t ANY food =( haha but iz cool im sorry
The area is SUPER wealthy.. i´ve eated REAL meat.. like i think it might even be better quality meat than we eat in our house, and i had real hamburgers and like breaded chickens IT¨S CRAZY.. and it doesn't fill me up now, I´m so used to tons of rice and beans to fill me up.. 

Mom: hahaha - you'll have to watch your weight then in this ward! haha - Glad they are feeding you!!

Aaron: No.. I´m super skinny right now because the normal food doesn´t fill me now.. lol i have to have tons of rice and beans 

Mom: haha - so Lisa Henry says Elder Carter is one of Spencer's "best friends" - they were MTC comps haha
I'm anxious to hear about how the work progresses then in your area - sounds like Costa Rica is booming in growth in the church for sure - lots of missionary blogs stating that fact!
Tell me about your multi zone soccer game - how was that?  Did you take pictures at that? 

Aaron: Yeah, we talked to Spencer.. because he´s a ZL too in Zona Sur.. so we can talk on the phone together.. He´s pretty cool, I played ball with him Monday actually, we got a ton of ZL´s together and some other missionaries and played ball in a TON OF RAIN in Los Yoses.. and Spencer was there. WE GOT SOAKED AND MY TOE nail fell off!! The one that got red.. like i felt like my toe nail was stabbing into the nail bed as we played in the rain, so i got my shoe and sock off all wet and it was.. the back part of the nail was falling off first, like by the nail bed and it had a sharp end that was stabbing the nail bed.. So i ripped it off slowing #man.
No.. no pictures.. when we got there it started to rain a ton, so i didn't pull out my camera because everyone was SOAKED; garments and everything. 

Mom: yikes! that's yucky!!  keep an eye on that so it doesn't get infected! 

Aaron: no.. it´s just now growing in and errythin.. its like half grown in.. but it´s super soft. 
Hey mom, I´ma go now, we´re going to go buy things!!! But I love you mom, I will have pictures for next week! 

Mom: Bye Aaron!! Have a great week!! BE an EXAMPLE!! Do good!! LOVE YOU!!!!!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Hakuna Matata Pura Vida

This week went super well, we´re seeing tons of progress and less actives and inactives and the church is really growing in our part of the vineyard. Something that I relearned recently through a Spiritual Experience is that our Loving Heavenly Father is always willing to talk to us, to guide us, if it´s what we really need. Through the Holy Spirit I was able to receive revelation for some things that occured... before they occured.. and it helped me to understand and see the great love that our Father has for us, he wants us to be happy. Another revelation that came is that Heavenly Father is in charge of this work, our ward is preparing to split, to open a branch (our area) and in these last few week and months before the split we´ve had so MANY members move from other countries and inactives that we´ve found that are ready to come back and lots of investigators progressing, it´s gotten to the point that the branch will split in about a month maybe and it´s almost ready to be a ward. I love being able to play my part in the symphony of our Heavenly Father´s work and plan for us. I hope that each of us has a desire to receive guidance from God, and that when we receive it from our Father, we follow it and act on it. 


Elder Lohberg

**from emails back and forth:
Aaron: hi mom

Dad: Hi there in Costa Rica Ville. I hope you enjoyed conference as much as Mom and I did. We felt the spirit so strongly. Amazingly enough it carried into this Sunday's meetings and the spirit just kept flowing. Everyone's testimony or lesson had some of conference points in it. The elders here have committed (or recommitted) Mom and I to try harder with our neighbors in bringing them the gospel. We pray each day and night as to who to speak to. Sometimes I feel prompted to speak to Dan but he isn't outside. I felt prompted to invite him to our harvest festival but then got wrapped up in day to day stuff I didn't get it done. (lazy and slothful I know) We want to do better and it will happen. Hope things are going well for you and your comp. Are you going to transfer this week? (I didn't read Mom's letter so she may have asked that already) I'm sending this from Mom's computer so she can track all the emails for your blog. I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you too and wanted to say hi. We love you so much and are so proud and grateful for the work you are doing. Keep the Faith, stay strong.

Love Dad

Aaron: Yeah.. they told me I have transfers.. I´m sad to leave the area, I FINALLY LEARNED TO LOVE IT, but maybe they´ll take me out as a leader, hard stuff being a leader in missionary work. 
Thanks dad, That´s awesome keep working with them, just invite them to activities, invite them to the church, you don´t have to teach someone anything to bring them to church, just invite and commit them to go with you. Like, hey,  how about if we go together, just so you can see how it is and how you feel there for one day? And then when they feel the Spirit you can testify to what they say and what they need.

Mom: Hey Aaron! 
I'm back - so do you know anything about where you are going for transfers yet?

Aaron: NO, I wont know until Wednesday, so you won´t know until Monday, but I do know that I have changes.
I have pictures but I didn't want to bring the cam because ima play soccer with other zones, so we´re going to do that and next week i´ll send photos when I have my camera with me.

Mom: k no worries - so - just remember to pack clothes in BOTH suitcases and don't let anything out of your sight!! just cram it in - use that luggage bungee to strap stuff together even :) just be smart!
So what is the other zone you are playing soccer with today? that's kind of fun!! Happy to hear you are going to get to do something fun today!!
Hey - if you go to the coast area where the mosquitoes are - don't forget to use your spray on your bedding and clothes :) might as well get some use out of it!! 

Aaron: Parker got permission for a multizone soccer activity, but it´s horribly planned so we´ll see how many actually go.. and it starts at 11 so we´ll get there like an hour late.. It´s Zona Cartago (parkers) Zona Toyopan (us) Zona la PAz (elder Adams) and Zona Los Yoses.
SO we´s gunna see where I go. Yesterday they gave us food and Saturday SO MUCH FOOD. crazy. Our area is progressing super well, i´ve had a ton of spiritual experiences lately.. but i don't think i should share em

Mom: I understand if you feel they are too sacred for you to share.  I'm glad you are finding joy in the work though and joy in that area as you have struggled there to find that.  We are happy for you!! Happy to see you finding joy in what you are doing ;)

Aaron: It´s actually really close.. just crap roads and traffic make it larger.. like 1 hour bus ride for us and 1 hour for the paz and 1.5 for cartago. 

Mom: so is that flag in the picture from the mission president? or is that YOUR flag that is signed? Are you having yours signed by comps only or anyone you serve around? Just curious  And is that then your zone? Toyopan?

Aaron: No that´s the flag from Elder Saavedra, the assistant who goes home this change. Only my comps sign it. BUT i forgot the comps from the MTC =( afterwards i will find them in BYU
yah our zone is toyopan

Mom: I thought Toledo was in Cartago and Parker was in Limon?  Where's Toledo at now then?

Aaron: No, Parker and Toledo literally swapped, Parker went to Cartago and Toledo went to Atlantica (limon) they just swapped places
but parker has changes.. he´s going to train and open an area in Zona Sur to finish his last change of his mission

Mom: wow - I didn't realize they had swapped areas.  So - do you have any feelings one way or the other as to where you will be serving?  President had mentioned that some where going to step down and work with struggling missionaries right?  Do you think you will be put with someone struggling you think?
Did they call someone to be the new AP yet and fill that spot up?  Or other zone leaders?  Just wondered if anyone knows who will fill those spots yet.
So how will this all go down then? Last week you said that president wanted to meet with the companionship's before sending them off to their areas - so will you ALL go to the office at the same time or is he having  missionaries come in stages there? do you know yet?
AND - your email made me cry.  I'm so happy for you to see the blessings happening around you that you are seeing. 

Aaron: YEH errybody goes in there... ERRYBODY. nope no new ap yet. we don't know who´l do what.. just ideas.. some elders will leave our zone and i think they´re go be zone leaders. I dunno know, one thing that has never worked for me is think about where I´m going and feel the Spirit on it , that´s not my revelation to receive.. SO WE´LL SEE. =) 

Mom: so is EVERYONE transferring then? the whole mission? or ? LIke in your zone - how many will be going to the office?  And it's all at the same time? is the office big enough to hold everyone?  How far away is the office from you and how long will it take to get there?

Aaron: No not that many.. only 4 areas in our zone have changes.. All at the same time yeh! YEH MORE OR LESS, everybody crowded in but yeh. We found a new bus and now we can get to the office in like 30 minutes instead of 2 hours.

Mom: where will your luggage go when you are there? 
The missionaries from the east side of the mission then probably have to get up early to catch a bus to get there too right?  Who pays for that - the missionary?  So you have to have $$ then to plan on that if so just in case right

Aaron: Yeh, nope it all comes from mission money, we´re in the middle of the change and I didn't buy food in pricesmart.. so i have monies =), i have about 80 mil still.. 160 bucks.. we receive like 115 or 110 as zone leaders for food. I only have to leave 15 mil there. it says. 

Mom: You might have already headed out already - know that we love you and are so proud of you!! Will continue to pray for you :) Be safe Aaron!! Love YOU!!

Aaron: Thanks mom I love you too, Have a good week and we´ll talk next week more!! stay safe!!! !

Monday, October 5, 2015


time stamp records this as between conference sessions
This is going to be a pretty fast email, this week was SUPER Good. President Hayes in our leadership meeting talked about how in this mission we will leave the 99 and go for the 1. We´ll be trying to build up all the missionaries and wards and everything. It made me think a bit, when he said that and testified ¨That is the gospel of Jesus Christ¨ and I started to think about the importance of each and every one of us as children of our loving Heavenly Father. General Conference only testified even stronger of this principle. We can´t let even 1 of our brothers be lost, we have to do the best we can. And if we do it, how great shall be our joy with him in the kingdom of God. I testify that Elder Renlund, Elder Stevenson, and Elder Rasband are Apostles of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They have been chosen by our Heavenly Father and put into this calling to help us return to our loving Heavenly Father. God´s plan is perfect and we have but seconds to take part in it and help it come to pass. I love you all so much, thank you for your love and support. Next week I will write more=)


Elder Lohberg

**from emailing back and forth
Aaron: hey mom

Mom: Hey!! How has your week been?

Aaron: Good! Conference was good, though I had to see it in Spanish.. I understand everything but it´s not the same haha.. I´m going to listen to it in English this Week I think throughout the mornings.. the stake pres said that last conferences the english group made a ton of noise and we´re sleeping and eating and so he said no this time.. #NegativeAffectsofOthers.. so we watched all of it in Spanish! We had leadership meeting, Did Hna Hayes send you the photos she took of us and me? 

Mom: boo to #NegativeAffectsofOthers :(
Wonderful surprise picture from a traveler at the Costa Rica Temple
Glad you can listen to it again - there was so many good talks!!
When was leadership meeting? I haven't seen any pictures (I don't think - the only pictures I saw were from the mission home - looked like lunch or something - I thought it was new missionaries?) there was a surprise picture of you taken at the temple with about 4 other missionaries - some lady sent it to me - she said she had been visiting temples with her husband and saw you guys.  It was fun to get that!  I don't know the other Elders in the photo though

Aaron: Oh yeah haha. I talked to her when we went to the temple, she was temple chasing. the other elders are from my zone 
leadership training meeting Friday October 2 2015

Mom: cool! When was leadership meeting? Friday?  How did that go? I know you were nervous about that.  Transfers are next week - do you think you might be transferring?
Kara said you messaged her like a half hour ago - I didn't see you were on until 9:45 - interesting

Aaron: Yeah it´s because I go in order on the messages lol, Kara was the last one I hadn´t read, then I read your message and then I realized i hadn´t sent you anything so i said hey so you'd know i was reading. 
Yeah Friday.. it was good.. no problem. the packet only cost me 2 bucks to take out #Luck. I think so yeah.. but still working idk.. President said some things that would make me think so.. it was a sad meeting really lol.. We had the last testimonies of those who are going home and then pres said that he wanted us to go for the 1 and leave the 99 and help the missionaries who are disobedient or sad or unsuccessful.. that that´s what he wants to do in this mission, what the Lord wants, so he´s going to take some of us out to help missionaries in need have success and be happy and help new missionaries.. and he said we´d come back in a few months.. but then he said, some wont come back because they´re going home soon, and so Elder Parker and Elder Miller gave their last testimonies in leadership meeting, Parker goes home next change. So they won´t be back.. I think i´ll be leaving this change too but..., not thinking much about it. I love a lot of people here =) 

Mom: haha - no worries - I wasn't upset - Kara just said - "why does he message me first?"
So - you got the box and it only cost you $2?! Woohoo!!
So - the watch made it to you? 
There should have been 2 ties, the clippers, zone bars (2 packs), chex mix, funyuns, hmmm what else?

Aaron: YEH I GOT THE WATCH, my comp has the black tie and i have the blue one.. and i got the bars the  chex mix, the funyuns we ate all of them, anddd the letter thingy
clippers and scissors yah i gotz em Thanks MOM =D
leadership meeting 

Mom: haha - I had thought to send you clippers but then brushed that off - but Dad was all - "you should send him clippers since he's cutting his own hair" haha so we picked these up - they aren't the greatest but will do for what you are doing.
You ate all the funyuns or you ate ALL of it already :p if it's all gone then Ima gunna call you FATTY :p
What letter thingy? I can't remember if I sent anything else in there to be honest.
I liked the blue one - I think that was the Michael Kors one? if so - that was a nice tie :D
REALLY glad the watch made it! - remember you had to make the wrist band smaller - by taking out the pin things - I put the instructions in there so hopefully they made it as well.  I thought it looked like your old watch you went out with - IF you make it to the place that sells them - you can still buy a different one if you want - I just wasn't sure IF you'd make it there before you left the area.

Aaron: just the funyuns.. no ima save chexmix for Christmas.. I have a Ton of Junk idk what to do if i have changes lol.. shove EVERYTHING in the suitcases.. but i think it´s Wednesday changes not Monday. Yeah michael kors i have. 

Mom: why the change on transfer dates? do you know why it would be Wednesday instead of Monday? You mean NEXT Wednesday right?  
Just shove it in - but be sure you have clothes in 2 suitcases since you remember what happened to Toldeo :p
Oh - and if you have been on for an hour - do you need to work on your general email still?

Aaron: yeah. idk president does it differently, everyone goes to the office and the new companionship's get called together for an interview with pres, and he tells them what they´re going to do, where they´re going and like motivates them. 
FEtch.. general email.. -.-

Mom: interesting!  So - that could be really interesting then to have EVERYONE who is transferring going to the office at the same time - weird! Maybe not as many transfers?  Didn't you say there was an AP leaving as well?  So when will that change happen? And if they are losing ZL's - will they need to call new ZL's soon to fill spots plus the AP slot?  Do you think you will go work with a disobedient missionary then?  If that happens - STAY TRUE :) Don't let them drag you down with them - YOU stay where you are and lift them!! :)
WHEREVER you are sent to labor - you will do good - I know that is true :D  REALLY proud of you Aaron and the work you are doing each week

Aaron: yeah AP leaves. the same time. YUP! I dunno hahah what´ll happen
HAHA i just downloaded like 30 talks by Elder Faust

Aaron: I just downloaded 47 talks by him lolol..

Mom: go after the 1 Aaron - plant your feet in the gospel through scripture study, prayer and obedience and go after the 1.  You will be a blessing unto them!!  Remember I always said that missions can make you or break you - you will either come home a strong member with a strong testimony or you will fall away - maybe this is what President Hayes is trying to work on - making sure that the missionaries obtain that strong testimony.  Just like in the Best Two Years - when the elder finally
realizes his "why" as he is bearing his testimony on Joseph Smith.  
Love you!! 

Aaron: Love you too mom, and tell dad I love him, have a good week!