Monday, November 23, 2015

Christmas in 70 degree weather

This week went well, we were preparing a young man to be baptized, and h`seems good to be able to be baptized this next Saturday! So we`re pretty excited. And I did tons of divisions and was able to learn from other missionaries. Just seeing the way in which other missionaries are teaching, and knowing that there are 90000 more missionaries just like how I teach and my friends teach, teaching in all the countries of the world is just astounding to me. I know that this is true, I have no doubt. I have received from our Heavenly Father through his Holy Ghost that this is his true church, living the true doctrine of him. I hope to be more like Christ every day, for the rest of my life, and always strive to listen to the Holy Ghost. Thanks for your support and have a good week!

Love, Elder Lohberg

Aaron: hey mom

Mom: HEY!! We are here!!Been hanging on in the room just in case we could meet up!! How has your week been? You're emailing later today - so what have you been up to this morning? Didn't you tell me you had to get Costa Rica citizenship? so do you now have "dual citizenship"? Do you have to renew it or is it permanent?

Aaron: It didn't tell me you responded, It was a good week.. not too good of results.. really tiring.. Did my last divisions with Elder Parker.. this week he goes home =(. This morning.. not much.. exercises.. put the numbers in.. went and talked to people in the office and now we`re here. I have a cedula.. but i think it only lasts a year.. and i`ll have to renew it and then get a second one.. but I think they take it away when I finish not sure. Technically I`m a resident.. because in Volcano Irazu it costs 15 bucks each person to enter if you`re not a tico, and 2 bucks if you`re tico.

Mom:  interesting - so when do you have to renew then? or did you just do that $15 american or Colone or Mil? Can you use american dollars there or do you have to exchange $$ Sorry lost internet connection for a moment :/oh - I sent you the package with the memory card - not sure how long it will take to get there - I mailed it off Tuesday last week - so maybe next week it should be there? I hope anyways. I heard that you guys were having a Christmas mission thing on the 14th is that right? will everyone in the mission come out to that? AND - I saw there were more missionaries that came out this week - so it looks like you get new missionaries then at different times? not just at one transfer time frame? So do missionaries exit the mission the same way then? at different times? not just at the one transfer time?

Aaron: 15 dollars american. Yeah you can use american almost everywhere I think. the 21st in the mission thing. I don't know they changed cambios. the Latinos got here last Friday, the gringos come this week and changes are next Wednesday. So, not sure what`s happening, so this change was a week longer and next change ends 31st of December i think. Parker leaves the 3rd, Elder Miller leaves the 1st of January.. so they cut the changes I think or Idk. Everyone in the mission on the Christmas party of 21st.

Mom: so the 2nd of December is changes then? so they moved it a bit - and then miller goes home in January so they are all over the place then for it. well that is weird and makes it difficult when there isn't a "set schedule" for transfer days. hmmm. We have time - but just wondered.

Aaron: I`m on a broken computer.. Can`t send a mail to everyone it`s not letting me easily.. so I`ll send it to you and you send it to everyone? =D Ima go, Its cuz I forgot my watch today and the clock on this computer is broken. I think we`re about up on time though. We might go by some food in Cosco, like a pizza or something.. then go grab my comps package in San Jose that he got, then head back to study.

Mom: I will send that general email out to everyone - no worries. Exciting for the baptism you have coming up - I know you are doing your best - just hang in there and trust in the Lord to help further HIS work - He will help you do accomplish it Aaron!! ok Aaron - we love you!! Try to have a better week than last week - LOVE you !! Good luck with the baptism!! We will pray for it to go through and for you :)

Aaron: Thanks mom! Have a good week! Love you and Dad, and everyone, the girls and Spencer!

Mom: We love you too!!! 

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