G baptism =D |
G & M on G's baptism day = D |
Elder Lohberg
M will be baptized by G next Sunday = D |
**extra emailing back and forth:
Mom: Transfers are next week as well?
Aaron: this monday, the 2nd, it´s possible that I leave, the zone leader thinks my companion will leave, that i´ll stay, or it´s possible we both stay, anything can happen
Mom: your comp just got there! would be great if you could both stay one more transfer since you just got put together / :
Aaron: i would like to go to a new area, but i would also like to stay here with Elder Toledo, or i dont know, we´re planning on changing houses here, to an apartment that is owned by the bishop, that is like a connection of his house, but it´s going to be really small, it´ll be cool because we wont walk hardly as much, but it will be cramped, i am really fine with whatever happens. The Zone leader thinks (thinks) i will stay and train or something and Elder Toledo will go ZL
Mom: When would you move to the new apartment? like the end of this month (this week then) or next month?
Aaron: Well, we saw the bishops apartment he offered us on Saturday, yesterday night some crazy gangster in front of our house (they´re always gangsters in front smoking and stuff) shot the ground 6 times with his pistol, and Toledo looked and saw the gun, and that Thursday last week the zone leader from El Salvador also, like my comp, said we should change houses, because where we live is ineffective and dangerous haha. So, we´re pretty sure we don't have a contract, but the woman asked us a while ago to give her like a months notice, but after the gunshots we decided to take the offer, we told the bishop we going to try and get permission, and we set it up for him to help us tomorrow morning at 9 haha... so this was a 3 day decision really. we´ll see if we have permission, but were gonna leave without giving 1 month notice.
Ya I gots to go, but I love talking to you guys, I love ya all, I hope you enjoy this next week and we´ll talk next tuesday, see whats changed!! =D Bye!
Much Love and Humility, Super, Awesome, Amazing, Talented, Strong, Brave, Courageous, Intelligent, Wise, Elder Lohberg
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